Super Zit Showdown!
Let's go on a journey, maybe even a quest, but first let me paint you a word picture. It has been 2 weeks, it's 11:47 pm and there is a giant island cluster of zits on my chin slowly creeping up my right cheek. They are red, bumpy and few are even flaking. They have become the norm. I have blasted them with everything in my arsenal and THEY. WILL. NOT. LEAVE! I'm talking exfoliators both chemical and physical, acids weak and strong, clays and charcoals, and even 3 (yes 3) different sulfur based products. I'm here to document the final try. To capture the moment of great success or acceptance of this new facial geography.
Mask Number 1:
Alright, as you know I'm a huge fan of multi-masking. So I'm starting this journey with a deep clarifying mask. On a rare occurrence I'm masking in the morning so I started by washing my face with the Aesop cream cleanser. After patted dry I used a flat brush to smooth over a new to me cutie by the name of Out of Trouble. This is the 10 minute mask from Origins that has lots of goodies in it like camphor and bentonite and... you guessed it SULPHUR!
The Origins Out of Trouble mask working its magic.
It smoothed over very easily and didn't feel super dry in the recommended 10 minutes I left it on. It did however have what I call the Cool Burn. It started out just feeling cold, but continued to feel like it was burning. It was not the most aggressive feeling but it was there. The directions say to remove with a damp cloth which I did. As I was wiping it away I was pleasantly surprised to see no redness. The rest of my face looked smooth and fresh and the zit islands seemed a little smoother. As per the usj with any clay style masks I did have a little dryness and tight feeling in my cheeks. I'm thinking this journey might not have a miserable end!
Mask Number 2:
Since the Origins mask went so well I decided to go ahead and try the new Dr. Jart Soothing Shake & Shot Rubber Mask. I grabbed it the other day and that seems to be what I need following the deep cleansing of the previous mask.
Side quest unlocked: Dr. Jart Soothing Shake & Shot Rubber Mask.
This mask was basically it's own side quest. You mix the two included packets together and shake. The components mixed very quickly and yielded a very smooth gel. There have been talks of how much product is included, but I used almost the entire cup and a little bit as a hand mask. After mixing you spatula the product all over and wait for it dry. As I was applying it the mask had a wonderful cooling sensation that did last through the length of the masking experience. I let the mask sit for 20 minutes and then it was time to remove! It still looked wet but it came if in literally one piece! The packaging says to remove any left over pieces with a damp cotton. I took that to mean using a cotton round to gently sweep off excess mask. I had some in my brows and hair and a little along the bottom around my jaw. I used the Huxley toner instead of water and these pieces melted away.
Welcome to the zit islands, they are slowly disappearing into the sea, which is good because they are a disgrace.
I followed all this with my normal day time hydration, and was ready to asses. I have to say the outlook is positive. After the origins mask my islands felt smaller and the Dr. Jart mask really helped reduce the radial redness. My skin feels soft and supple and ready to take on the day!
Here's a short video of the Instagram story I made with the rubber mask!