The Maskening
There's nothing quite like a face mask and cold brew to start your Friday. Blasting Cher and a great J. Biebs remix also adds to the festivities. I'm doing a shift at a new store and to calm my nerves I'm having a spa morning while doing some brand research. I honestly feel like the ultimate multitasker *multiMASKER* right now.
First I exfoliated with my Aesop Purifying Facial Exfoliating Paste to create a smooth masking base. I went on a lovely adventure to Super H Mart Yesterday so I bought literally 15 sheet masks, so today's masks are both TonyMoly which can be purchased at Ulta.
image from google
- skin looked smoother
- zero redness
- minimized pores greatly around my nose
TonyMoly I'm Real Red Wine
- apply to clean dry skin
- leave for 20-30 minutes
- remove sheet
- massage in leftover serum
Red Wine extract to purify and reduce the appearnce of pores
- Very wet. It took a couple minutes to fully adhere
- Has a slight cooling sensation, but that could be because of my fan. It is not unpleasant.
- Does not smell like wine but rather wine adjacent. Its fresh and light and a little tangy in a good way.
- left on for 30 minutes
- skin felt a touch stingy and cold after serum was massaged in but not necisarily irritated.
Red wine mask and iced coffee, Aloe mask and neighbors making a ruckus, Fresh new baby face full of hydration and hope.
Up next is the Aloe hydrating mask. I did this immideatly after the red wine one with zero down time.
TonyMoly I'm Real Aloe
- apply to clean dry skin
- leave on for 20-30 minutes
- remove sheet
- massage in remaining serum
Aloe Extract and water enriched essence for maximum hydration
- Not as wet as the red wine. Stayed in place nicely
- Did awkwardly drip but didn't move at all
- Feels really fresh
- Smells a little medicinal right when applied but dissipates very quickly
- left on for 30 minutes
- serum absorbed beautifully
image from google.
- Skin is so freaking soft
- Litterally feels like a cloud
- Plump and fresh appearance
- I could touch my face all day
- Looks so clear and rejuvinated
I followed these little cuties with my belif Problem Skin Essence and the Erborian Bamboo Creme Frappe moisturizer to prep my skin for makeups later.
Bonus Round: have some fun photos from my H Mart Adventure!